Best Software Technology
D-HRM Human Resource Management System App
Take Your Team’s Performance and Productivity To The Next Frontier.

Perfect Management System for any Company

Employee Centric

Development Centric

Individual Progress

Track Live Location


Admin Dashboard
Give access to assign, overview tasks under managerial responsibilities.
Manager Dashboard
Distribute task assignment to employees and keep a track of the work-flow.
Employee Dashboard
Enables to update activities related to business development.
HRM With Flush Process Dashboard
Employee Attendence
Track Live Location.
Enables to choose Work Mode-Office or Home.
Press for easy Check-in / Check-out.
Employee Daily Steps

Check In


Leave Apply



Check Out
Our Features
Take What You Want, But Leave App Install Alone

Manage Expense
For subsidies or potential cost, it can be updated by the iindividual as part of expenditure.
Travel expenses
Transportation expenses
Food expenses

Notice List & Details
Deliver notice for all employees or departmental-wise for any upcoming event or awareness.
New recruit
Maintaining hygiene
Common duty

Leave Manage
Employees can apply for their leave and get approval/rejection by the authorized personnel.
Apply for Leave
Approved/Disapproved by admin

Manage Phonebook
Find contact info of employees to reach out at instant for any updates or emergency.
Emergency calls
Instant messages
For inquiries

Outdoor Visit Hours & History
Tracks live location of your employees, including the visiting hours for any outdoor meetings
Visit hours
Daily/Weekly/Monthly report analysis
Common duty

Manage Appointment
Set your appointment time before-hand to avoid any misconduct during crucial hours.
Book your conference room
Set your meeting schedule
Set reminder

Break Times & Details
Employees can easily take break notifying here and end it at the same way.
Start Break / End Break
Time Summary

Daily Leave
Notify management for any type of late comings or early leave.
Late coming at -
Reason for coming late
Early leave at -
Reason for leaving early

Support 24/7
Create a support ticket for facing any technical or environmental or any other issues.
Unable to login
Unethical behavior
Employee Can Set Priority
Why Should People Choose D-HRM Service?
24/7 Support
At your service
Be a part of
Up to date technology
Expert development team
15+ years experienced
Simple minded